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Repertorium „Geschichtsquellen des deutschen Mittelalters“



From the outset, the „Repertorium Fontium Historiae Medii Aevi“ was conceived as a European joint project in which the Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities cooperated with numerous other research institutions. Since the completion of the printed Repertorium Fontium in 2007 and the transition into the digital world, this cooperation has changed in form and substance, while remaining nonetheless intrinsic to the project’s realisation. The website www.geschichtsquellen.de was developed between 2010 and 2012 in partnership with the Munich DigitiZation Centre (Münchener DigitalisierungsZentrum) of the BSB, which until 2019 also hosted the database and provided technical support.

Since the begin of digitization, the Repertorium “Geschichtsquellen des deutschen Mittelalters” has been in continuous exchange with various other projects similarly engaged in making medieval texts accessible in electronic form, in particular: